David Martin

Laparoscopic, Upper GI Surgeon
Sydney, Australia
- Departments of Upper GI Surgery, Concord, Royal Prince Alfred & Strathfield Private Hospitals, University of Sydney
- Chair of the Sydney Upper GI Surgical Society
- Executive Board, Australian and New Zealand Oesophago-Gastric Surgical Association
- Training Board. Australian and New Zealand Oesophago-Gastric Surgical Association
- Head of Upper GI and Bariatric Surgery Strathfield Private Hospital
- Deputy Chair Medical Advisory Committee, Strathfield Private Hospital
David Martin is a consultant surgeon in the Upper Gastro-Intestinal
Departments of Surgery at both the Concord and the Royal Prince Alfred
University Hospitals in Sydney. He is also appointed as a consultant surgeon at the
Strathfield, Sydney and Mater private hospitals.
Dr Martin is a dedicated subspecialist who is enthusiastically involved in the
provision and initiation of cutting edge evidence based health care and the
development of world class Tertiary Upper Gastrointestinal, Laparoscopic
(key-hole) and Obesity Surgical units. He is widely published in his areas of
interest and is actively involved in ongoing research, publication and
collaboration with leading international surgical units.
A graduate of the University of Queensland, Dr Martin underwent advanced
years of formal academic post-fellowship sub-specialty training in leading
surgical training at the Princess Alexandra Hospital before completing over 3.5
Australian and International units. This has involved high level training in
innovative techniques including
- Advanced laparoscopic oesophageal, stomach, and biliary surgery in Brisbane and the Flinders Medical Centre in Adelaide
- Radical oesophageal and stomach cancer surgery and advanced laparoscopy at Concord Hospital in Sydney
- Radical pancreatic and open abdominal cancer surgery and robotic surgery at the University of Heidelberg, Germany
- Radical open and laparoscopic cancer surgery and laparoscopic obesity surgery at the Leeds General Infirmary, UK
Further to his formal academic fellowships Dr Martin has completed hands-on
training in obesity surgery in France, England, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth;
encompassing a variety of key-hole operations for obesity.
In addition to his technical commitment to clinical surgery Dr Martin's academic
work has seen him regularly presenting at national and international meetings,
working on national and international cancer boards, contributing to
subspecialty surgical textbooks and publishing & reviewing for international
medical journals.
Dr Martin's specific areas of surgical expertise and a list of his publications and international presentations are found in the following links.
- List of International Publications & Presentations
- Specific Areas of Surgical Expertise for Dr David Martin
Suite 2 Strathfield Private Hospital
3 Everton Rd
Strathfield 2135
East Sydney Private Hospital
75 Crown Street
NSW, 2011
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
50 Missenden Rd
NSW 2050
Concord Hospital
Hospital Rd
NSW 2139